Hours today are 9:00 - 4:30.

Educator of the Year Nomination Form

Filming & Photography

Commercial Photography and Filming Policy

In order to film or take photos at Crazy Horse Memorial®, both interior and exterior locations, for any commercial purposes, companies/ individuals must first obtain written approval from ©Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation. As the Mountain, statues, museum items, and other exterior and interior items are copyrighted. Due to the high volume of requests for filming and photography at the Memorial, all requests must be submitted in writing at least 10 days prior to the shoot.

  • Written permission must be obtained in advance for taking photographs/filming in or around the Mountain, buildings, complex, and grounds. To allow time for questions and any necessary further clarification, please apply for permission in writing at least 10 working days before the scheduled date of photography. Photos for news reports and purely documentary purposes can usually be approved more quickly.
  • Where permission is granted, the applicant will receive written confirmation.
  • Use of drones /mini-copters is strictly prohibited.
  • Photos and filming for private use does not require written permission and is allowed unless this conflicts with ©Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation policies or copyright uses.
  • Use of any private photo/filming material for further purposes is expressly prohibited.
  • Photography and filming may only be done in approved areas and locations.
  • If permission is granted, it is on condition that the all items photographed or filmed are treated with care and respect.

Permission will not be granted in the following cases:

  • If the photography/filming entails any risk to any persons or property.
  • If the photography/filming would hinder the work or maintenance of the property or unjustifiably prevent access for visitors.
  • If the photos/film and their use are not within the polices of ©Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation.

To submit your request, e-mail our Public Relations Department attention 

amanda.allcock@crazyhorse.org. Your request should detail date and time of shoot, crew size, number of vehicles entering the complex, desired location(s) for filming/photography,start/end times and list of equipment to be used during shoot. Also, include how the photos/film will be used.

Contact Us

Crazy Horse Memorial®

12151 Avenue of the Chiefs

Crazy Horse, SD 57730-8900



Open Positions

Cultural Programs Applications


Wichozani Health and Wellness Spring Program

7TH GEN.® Summer Program

University Forms


Filming & Photography

Press Releases

Photos and videos ©Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation