Hours today are 9:00 - 4:30.

The Carvers are still working on the details of Crazy Horse’s Left Hand; this work is time consuming and meticulous.
Carver Tyler Breske uses a regular chisel and hammer to fine-tune some finish work on the bottom of Crazy Horse’s Index Finger.
The future of the Mountain Carving is truly exciting. Progress is being made on a daily basis, and visitors are amazed by the awe-inspiring work that has been accomplished on the Mountain. To discover more about the specifics of the Mountain Carving or to meet some of our carving crew, visit our carving page.
Crazy Horse’s Face:
87 feet, 6 inches
Outstretched Arm:
263 feet
Opening under arm:
70 feet wide
29 feet, 6 inches
The Mountain Carvers continue saw cuts, averaging one cut per day, many of which are on Crazy Horse’s Upper Arm on the back side of the Carving. The Crew works to keep the ground below this area clear to be able to access the Mountain with other equipment and in preparation for the Industrial Tower Crane.
"The initial request by Chief Henry Standing Bear was to carve a mountain so that the whole world knows that Native Americans have great heroes, too. But I think it didn’t take long for everyone to realize that even though the Mountain that we’re carving is quite large, that the vision and the mission are even bigger."
Dr. Caleb Ziolkowski, Chief Mountain Officer
Help Support The Memorial
As we continue with our Native American education and humanitarian project
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