Hours today are 9:00 - 4:30.


Crazy Horse Memorial Collections

THE INDIAN MUSEUM OF NORTH AMERICA® is home to a large collection of art and artifacts reflecting the diverse histories and cultures of the American Indian people. The Museum collection started with a single exhibit donated in 1965 by Charles Eder, Sisseton Band of the Sioux Tribe/Dakota Nation. Mr. Eder’s impressive collection remains on exhibit to this day.

Close to 90% of the art and artifacts have been donated by generous individuals, including many Native Americans. The Museum serves as a resource for students, educators, and visitors, allowing the opportunity to study and learn from the exhibits and many other cultural resources at Crazy Horse Memorial®.

Contact Us

Crazy Horse Memorial®

12151 Avenue of the Chiefs

Crazy Horse, SD 57730-8900



Open Positions

Cultural Programs Applications


Wichozani Health and Wellness Spring Program

7TH GEN.® Summer Program

University Forms


Filming & Photography

Press Releases

Photos and videos ©Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation